From the 17th January,2000, in response to the decision of President Mahuad to replace the sucre (Ecuador's money) with the US dollar, Indians started to pour into Quito from all over the country to demand a change of President and a change of economic policy. By the end of the week they had allied themselves with the military and replaced Mahuad with a government formed by a civilian, a military, and an Indian. This in turn was sold out within hours. Here are couple of short articles from The Guardian:

Indians reject Ecuador's post-coup leader

by Alex Bellos

Ecuador Indians give new leader 6 months' grace

by Michael McCaughan


A principios de febrero 1999, Ecuador se levantó en protesta por medidas que el gobierno quería imponer en prejuicio del pueblo y a favor de los bancos y 'las leyes economicas vigentes' Aquí se relatan algunos de los sucesos de aquel entonces.

Ecuador-6-feb-99 English

Ecuador -3-marzo-99 Español

Ecuador 2 Español

Ecaudor3 Español

Ecuador4-11-marzo-99 Español

Ecuador5 -12-marzo-99 Español

Ecuador6-16 marzo-99 Español

The Collapse of Ecuador